Safety Categories:
CAT B: 40 Nautical miles, CAT C: 15 Nautical miles , CAT D: 15 Nautical miles, CAT E: 1 Nautical mile, CAT E JETSKI: 1 Nautical mile, CAT R: Inland waters. *Z*
- Description
- in the box
What you need to know about your boat’s Certificate of Fitness (COF).
All boats, incl. jetski’s except if powered by 15 horsepower or less, must obtain a certificate of fitness (COF) from a SAMSA officer, safety officer or an SAMSA authorized agency.
This is obtained by having the required safety equipment onboard your vessel along with clear identification for the vessel (boat number, incl. jetski’s which is obtained when registering your boat, jetski’s with SAMSA). A certificate of Fitness is valid for 12 months, provided no structural changes were made to the vessel.
The COF certificate must be onboard at all times.
Note: Including an up to date, not older than 5 year buoyancy certificate of the vessel.
Some items on the safety equipment list may expire over time and not all items available on the market are authorized as per SAMSA requirements. Remember to check your safety equipment regularly and do sufficient research on SAMSA approved safety equipment before purchasing.
in the box
COF Document x 1